Impregnating agent based on silanes, particularly suitable for the formation of chemical barriers against the capillary rise of moisture.
Impregnating agent based on silanes, particularly suitable for the formation of chemical barriers against the capillary rise of moisture.
HydroBlock Injection is a concentrated cream based on silanes formulates mainly for the formation of chemical barriers - by injection in the walls- against the
capillary rise of moisture in walls made of stone, brick, tuff, sandstone, concrete.
The creme has a good spread and forms a chemical barrier, thus preventing moisture from rising through the pores.
HydroBlock Injection has to be injected into the wall using appropriate injectors.
Generally, the wall has to be drilled at 15 cm from the bottom. The depth of the hole is usually 12 cm and the hole diameter is 12 mm.The wheelbase between holes is usually 15 cm.
Once made the injection and closed the hole, usually the plaste is removed to allow betterdrying. Plaster is then relocated after complete drying.
Doses: The dosage of HydroBlock Injection depends on the thickness of the wall.
However the right quantity has to be determined by preliminary tests.
Recommendation: Always make a test coat to ensure the compatability of product and surface.
Anvendelse: til overfladebehandling på betontagsten, tegl, fibercement, rustbeskyttet stål m.m.
Appearance: Translucid white fluid cream
Chemical Nature: Alkyl silane
pH: approx. 7
Active content: 80%
Compatibility: Alkaline materials
Storage stability: At least 12 months if kept in the original closed containers. Store in a cool place, avoid frost; avoid temperatures above 40-45°C